Bitcoin+ Developer

Navigate development depths leveraging Blockchain & Bitcoin

  • 13 modules
  • 1 Examination
  • 50 Multiple Choice Questions, 90 minutes
  • Passing Score: 70%

About certification

  • The Bitcoin+ Developer Certification is an elite program meticulously crafted for those aiming to master the intricate world of Bitcoin and its interplay within the broader blockchain landscape. Participants are taken on a comprehensive journey that delves into Ethereum's smart contract realm, the operational dynamics of the Ethereum Virtual Machine, the fabric of private blockchains like Hyperledger, and much more. From the foundational principles of blockchain to the advanced deployment techniques for decentralized applications, this certification ensures developers are primed to innovate, integrate, and lead in the blockchain space.


  • Understanding of programming concepts.
  • Basic knowledge of blockchain technology.
  • Familiarity with cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum.
  • Proficiency with command-line interfaces (CLI).
  • Ability to set up development environments.
  • Basic Web Development Skills (Optional)
  • Database Knowledge (Optional): Familiarity with databases.
  • Golang Basics (Hyperledger Fabric): Basic knowledge of Go (for Fabric).
  • Understanding of virtualization or cloud platforms.
  • A curious mindset and strong problem-solving abilities.

Certification Modules

  1. 1.1 Origin of Blockchain
  2. 1.2 Why Blockchain
  3. 1.3 Consensus Mechanism
  4. 1.4 What are Smart Contracts?
  5. 1.5 Bitcoins

  1. 2.1 What is an EVM?
  2. 2.2 Wallets Introduction and Creation
  3. 2.3 Introduction to Remix Editor with Metamask
  4. 2.4 Smart Contract Basic Structure
  5. 2.5 Variables, If/Else, Strings, Loops, Arrays, Test Tokens

  1. 3.1 Testnet Deployment
  2. 3.2 Libraries, Interfaces, Modifiers
  3. 3.3 Structures, Enums, ABI, Calldata, Events

  1. 4.1 ERC20 Token Creation
  2. 4.2 NFT Minting, IPFS, Security, Pinata Cloud

  1. 5.1 Truffle, Ganache, Hardhat
  2. 5.2 Docker, Localnet, and Testnet Deployment

  1. 6.1 Web3.0 Integration with JS
  2. 6.2 Wallet Creation, Sending Transactions

  1. 7.1 Public Vs Private Vs Consortium Blockchain Frameworks
  2. 7.2 Introduction to Hyperledger Fabric
  3. 7.3 Hyperledger Projects

  1. 8.1 Nodes in Hyperledger Fabric
  2. 8.2 MSP and CA
  3. 8.3 Client Application Interaction
  4. 8.4 Installation on Virtual Box / AWS/ Azure VM

  1. 9.1 Installation, Path Setup
  2. 9.2 VS Code Plugin Setup, Variables, Strings, Conditional Statements, Loops
  3. 9.3 Functions, Structures

  1. 10.1 Error Handling
  2. 10.2 Chaincode Explanation using Fabric Samples, Test-network Explanation using Linux Scripting

  1. 11.1 Extending the Default Chaincode
  2. 11.2 Chaincode Deployment
  3. 11.3 REST API Integration with Front End

  1. 12.1 Introduction to Docker
  2. 12.2 Introduction to Firefly, Fabconnect, Blockchain Explorer

  1. 13.1 Introduction to Bitcoin Development
  2. 13.2 Bitcoin Scripting Language
  3. 13.3 Bitcoin APIs and Libraries
  4. 13.4 Building Bitcoin Transactions
  5. 13.5 Bitcoin Security Best Practices
  6. 13.6 Bitcoin Development Tools

Certification Outcome

  • Upon successful completion, participants will be awarded a certification attesting to their proficiency in blockchain development, Hyperledger Fabric, Ethereum, and Bitcoin. This certification serves as a testament to their readiness to take on real-world blockchain challenges and contribute to the rapidly evolving blockchain landscape.

Market insight
As blockchain technology gains traction in diverse industry sectors, there is a clear demand for developers who possess the skills to effectively harness its capabilities. This specialized developer certification program has been intricately crafted to meet the requirements of prominent tech companies and up-and-coming blockchain startups.
Value proposition
Participants in Bitcoin + Developer Certification will embark on a journey through the core concepts of blockchain, smart contracts, Ethereum, Hyperledger Fabric, and Bitcoin development. They'll master essential tools and techniques, including Solidity, Golang, and Hyperledger Fabric, equipping them to create and deploy blockchain solutions. The curriculum covers both public and private blockchain frameworks, ensuring a broad skill set.
Additional features
The Bitcoin + Developer certification includes hands-on training, real-world blockchain projects, and offers a platform for participants to connect and collaborate with an experienced community of blockchain professionals.